Thurday Thirteen #1: 13 reasons to have a hamster

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

  1. Food is cheaper, the pack of sunflower seeds here is ¢500 (almost 90 cents) and they eat everything, meat, fruits, vegetables, even hammocks! (don't let your hamster do that, seriously)
  2. Ok, to be sincere, one reason I prefer a hamster is that dogs, "poop very big" and other animals too, hamsters can be toilet trained and their poops are very little ;)
  3. They don't need "many" things, just care, care, care, care, care, care and be loved
  4. Did I mention they are cute?
  5. Dwarf hamsters can win pet contests? Which category? Smallest animal! Think about it, everyone will win!, well, I did it two times *giggles*

  6.  Hamsters can sense qhen you're sad or very happy, yes they do!
  7. You don't lose time training them (if you are not a deportive person, like me, I aren't), but you must have them entretained
  8. They can be entretained with almost EVERYTHING: TV, shoes, fingers....everything
  9. Does this pictuire can't convince you?
  10. If you live in a little place you can still having a hamster, they don't need many space, but a cage or something where they can be
  11. If you buy a baby hamsters and it's not mild (because sometimes they aren't) you can "train them" to be mild (not as reason 7)
  12. Hamsters defend you! If other human is near a hamster, it'll bite! And if that hand smells like other animal, it'll bite more!
  13. You know you will ♥love you hamster♥ I swear!

Photos: My hamster, Brownie