Cat no-eyes?

Friday, September 12, 2008
Stellaluna, Aunt's cat has very deep eyes, yes she has, but maybe some persons don't note it:
You see? It's like thinking: "Hey, what are you looking at?" 
Here you can see her beautiful, yellow-green eyes:

Stellaluna's surpises never end...

Thurday Thirteen #1: 13 reasons to have a hamster

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

  1. Food is cheaper, the pack of sunflower seeds here is ¢500 (almost 90 cents) and they eat everything, meat, fruits, vegetables, even hammocks! (don't let your hamster do that, seriously)
  2. Ok, to be sincere, one reason I prefer a hamster is that dogs, "poop very big" and other animals too, hamsters can be toilet trained and their poops are very little ;)
  3. They don't need "many" things, just care, care, care, care, care, care and be loved
  4. Did I mention they are cute?
  5. Dwarf hamsters can win pet contests? Which category? Smallest animal! Think about it, everyone will win!, well, I did it two times *giggles*

  6.  Hamsters can sense qhen you're sad or very happy, yes they do!
  7. You don't lose time training them (if you are not a deportive person, like me, I aren't), but you must have them entretained
  8. They can be entretained with almost EVERYTHING: TV, shoes, fingers....everything
  9. Does this pictuire can't convince you?
  10. If you live in a little place you can still having a hamster, they don't need many space, but a cage or something where they can be
  11. If you buy a baby hamsters and it's not mild (because sometimes they aren't) you can "train them" to be mild (not as reason 7)
  12. Hamsters defend you! If other human is near a hamster, it'll bite! And if that hand smells like other animal, it'll bite more!
  13. You know you will ♥love you hamster♥ I swear!

Photos: My hamster, Brownie

After the Rain comes the Sun

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Today I'll show you some of my pictures from after the rain,  I see the my flower they are with drops on it...let's see...

 Don't you love macro? Me too! It's great for this kind of pics
See ya!

Welcome to the cloudz

Saturday, August 9, 2008
Come and take a tea with me!
Hi there, you can call me Mary or Mari, it's your choice!
Maybe you know me as the Brownie's Blog's Illustrator, the one that started it all, now I want to share with you.
Naturally, I live in my own cloud, but I make my temporary home in San José, Costa Rica. And yes, you're never alone. Who knows if there's someone watching you from a cloud? And that's how this blog was born. Everything I see from my cloud will be taken by a *click*
I'm also looking for you! I hope many of you can share with me at this's my dream

See ya!